
Hello nice to meet you'll...
Terima kasih sgt2 sbb sudi jd follower blog kami...
Rajin2 lar tgk2kn blog ni yea...
Da pe2 nk comment atau bri idea silakn...
Kita kongsi sma2...

BTW, selamat perkenalan dr kami berdua..


Friday, February 11, 2011

Rawatan Alternatif Kak Raw..(ape yg mnrk??? bc la..)

Arini 11 feb 2011, ak da tgk WHI > WANITA HARI INI..

Perkara yg dibncgkn agk mnrk...
knp ak kta cm2??
bb ak program2 tv macam ni aku tak berapa minat nak tengok..
kalau aku minat tu kira boleh pengsan lah family aku tu... hehehe..

nk tahu apa yg dibincangkan??
seperti tajuk yg aku tulis tu la..
aku kata menarik sebab???
nak tahu sebab pe???
sebab dia cuma menggunakan KRIM PELEMBAP dan BANDAGE...
Kak Raw atau nama sebenarnya Fatimah bte Mat Sam hanya meyapu keseluruh bdn pesakitnya dengan krim kemudian membalut bdn peskitnya dengan bandage...

korang nk tgk cmna pesakit kak raw dibalut korang click sini[click here]

Kak Raw ni da kelebihn merawat kanak2 OKU..

Beliau hanya membuat rwtn kpd kanak2 yag berumur 8 thn ke bwh..
Orang dewasa tidak diberi rwtn..
Mereka yang datang mendapatkan rawatan membawa anak-anak mereka yang mengalami pelbagai masalah, antaranya Down Sindrome, Celeberal Palsy, Autism, tidak boleh bercakap dan berbagai lagi.
Yg mnrikny....
Beliau juga membuat rawatan Minda yang dikhususkan untuk kanak-kanak sekolah yang mengalami masalah pembelajaran seperti lambat belajar (slow learner), tiada penumpuan terhadap pelajaran dan berbagai masalah lagi. Rawatan Minda khusus untuk menghadapi peperiksaan UPSR, PMR dan SPM juga diadakan.
Beliau membuat rawatan pada hari-hari Jumaat, Sabtu dan Ahad sahaja kerana pada hari-hari biasa yang lain, beliau bertugas di PDK.
Rawatan Alternatif oleh Kak Raw ini diadakan di rumah beliau iaitu di Felda Gedangsa di alamat:

107 Jln Kg Tengah
Felda Gedangsa
44020 Kuala Kubu Baru
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel: 03-60463509

Yahoo Messenger: kak_raw57

Ap yg aku dpt lht dlm WHI ari ini...
Cara rwtn yg dbrikn agk klhtn ksr tp amat MUJARAB...
Tetamu jemputan WHI yg dijemput mrupkn ibu bapa dn kanak2 yg menerima rawtn drpd Kak Raw...
Diorg da kta mula2 mmg diorg mcm xbrp ykn tp bila dh lma2 diorg nmpk prkembgn anak diorg diorg mmbuat kptsn utk mnrskn rwtn trsbt...

So, kl korang da kenalan yg da pnykt spt yg dinytkn cuba lah rawatn ni...
mna tw dgn izin Allah diorg akn sembuh...
kl x smbuh pn da sdkit perkmbgn yg mengembirakn...

Jadi cubalah!!!


CuTi2,JaLaN2, hEpY2 DgN FaMiLy... memang best!!

baru2 ni aku ge jalan2 ...
dgn sapa??
of course dgn family....
mmg best...

ak kalu ge jalan2 aku suka tengok negeri orang..
aku suka tengok pemandangan..
kalau nak shopping tu tengok mood gak..
bb aku tak suka keadaan yang panas..
kalau panas dalam kepala otak ak cuma ada perkataan 'NAK BALIK'..
time 2 jangan kacau aku...
kalau tak siap lah!!!

antara negeri yang aku ge 'redah' ialah SELANGOR, KL, PENANG, PERAK....
stay di rumah makcik di SHAH ALAM..
bila pagi bangun awal kuar ge merayap...
banyak shoping di KL n SELANGOR...
mama aku yang rajin cari barang untuk membeli...
antaranya::(tengok bwh nih..)

da handbeg da kasut(2 plak tu) da kain...

ni plak brg yang aku beli:::
over dari mama...>hahaha...

purse,selendang,sunblock,pin tudung,tudung...

antara tempat paling menarik akuw ge...
lampu je pnuh kat sana...
sapa yang penah ge mesti setuju ngn akuw...
mmg best lah...
kalu nak ge dating ge la kat sana...(promote neyh..)


Kl korang da crita mnrk ms cuti share2 lar ngn ak..
korang leh ltk di shout box atu comment je..

Thursday, January 27, 2011


lma xjmpa kwn2...
skdr msj je..
xpn smbg2 dlm fb...
kl org tny trngn x msk sk blik @ g zmn sk blik..??
ak akn jwb TAK TERINGIN!!!
ingtkn da kenngn mns dr pahit...
rupa2nya pht lg bnyk dr mns...
owh no!!!
apa pn yg manis ttp da...
hny yg mns trsemt kms dlm hati ak ...
yg pht ak akn kng bl da ms...
nk kng xda mkny..
wt ak skit ati...
but, what ever....

bri ak ketabahan meghdpi sgala2nya....

dr kiri sblh bwh:FARID,SHIRA N MUS

2 org ni antr member sk yg plg ak rapat...
ak da problem,ak hepy,ak nk jln2, ak nk main, ak nk mkn, ak nk bc bku...
kira mcm2 lah yg ak nk wt ak akn cri diorang...
ak bersyukur sgt knl diorg dlm hdp ak...
mauh.... muah ...muah...muah....
love korang....

ni my bf aka my bff


 axtually ak nk ltk lg 1 gmbr kwn yg ak rapat...
tp gmbr dia duk mna pn xtw...
nnti ak cri n upload kn....

stkt ini sj...
crilah kwn yg bisa membuatkn kita slesa n bahagia....

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

aMaRaN KpD WAnItA Di lUaR SnA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amaran pd Kaum Hawa
Amaran pada Kaum Wanita dan kepada sumer kaum perempuan yang memandu, Kes ni betul2 menakutkan.
Kesah ini betul2 terjadi kat Penang
Ingat lagi tak dgn kes Ms Canny Ong yang dirogol dan dibunuh??
Kisah nya..ada seorang perempuan ni berhenti dekat stesen gas "pay-at-the-pump" untuk isi minyak..sebaik saja dia siap isi minyak tu dan nak beredar,seorang pekerja kat situ buat pngumuman yang kad kredit perempuan ni ada problem sikit..pekerja tu suruh perempuan ni masuk ke dalam untuk bayar..tapi perempuan ni confused la sebab transaksi menunjukkan yang pembayaran kad kredit dia diluluskan dan tak ada masaalah apa2 pun.. so perempuan tu bagitau la pekerja tu dan dia pun bersedia nak beredar ke kereta dia balik..tapi pekerja tu tetap bertegas dan suruh dia masuk dalam..perempuan tu pun decided untuk masuk ke dalam...sebaik aje dia masuk kat dalam..dia mula marah kat pekerja tu..
lalu pekerja tu suruh dia bertenang dan bagitau hal sebenarnya.. .nak tau apa?
sebenarnya masa perempuan tu dok isi minyak,pekerja tu nampak ada laki menyelinap kat belakang kereta perempuan tu dan pekerja tu dah pun telepon polis..
perempuan tu pun apalagi, takut la..dia pun try intai dan dia nampak pintu kereta dia terbuka dan lelaki tu keluar dari kereta dia..
Sekarang ni..ada laporan yg mengatakan yg sekang ni ada gang yang amik body part orang pompuan..salah satu cara diorang adalah dgn menyelinap masuk kereta ornag perempuan masa perempuan tu tengah pump gas atau beli barang kat kedai TGH2 MLAM!!
kemudian,dia orang akan potong kaki perempuan tu untuk memudahkan diorang culik dan bunuh perempuan tu..
satu cara lagi pulak,dia orang akan masuk kedalam kereta yg tak ada orang dan tak berkunci kemudian culik perempuan tu dan bunuh dia orang.
Semalam pun ada Crime Investigation di Astro menceritakan kes yg sama di Hong Kong . Tapi perlakunya adalah pemandu teksi yang mengambil penumpang perempuan selepas lepas tengan malam. Memang ngeri.
Sila panjangkan email ini pada sesiapa yg anda kenali.
Bagi kaum perempuan elakkan keluar bersaorangan diwaktu malam

Pizza Mama!!!

PIZZA HUT N DOMINO'S PIZZA antr kdai pizza yg popular d msia...
wlpn cas yg dknakn agk mahal tp rmai gak yg ska bwa family atau g mkn brsma2 rakan2 d sna...
actually pizza ni leh wt sndri n lbh sdp dr pizza yg djual...
tp mngmbl ms dn prlu ringn tlg utk mmbuat pizza yg sdp...
mak akuw die xska pizza kdai..
die lbh ska wt sndri... 
plus, kta nlh buh brp bnyk pn bhn yg kita mahu...
lg best...

2 pizza yg my mom wt...

try tmbh cheese biar melelh...
air liur korang yg akn meleleh...
akuw ni dh lma xmkn bb roti yg nk wt pizza 2 nk kna tmph...
mmg sdp lah...
nk resipi???



aku mnt giler cita ni...
ssh lah akuw nk tgl cita ni...
menarik sgt bg akuw...
tp di msia mcm xbrp popular lak cita ni...
ak mmg ska cita y da unsur sihir barat atau magic...
cita dia sejam tp bla tgk rs sat sgt...
mcm bwu tgk tv slama 5 min...
ak mmg ska giler larh...

akuw sgka y cita ni da mitosnya y tersndri...
ntah btol atau x..
akuw pn xtw...
rini akuw nk bg cita sejarah MERLIN yg sbnr..>>agk2nya lah...


dlm bhs Welsh MERLIN dpgl Myrddin;
dlm bhs Latinlak:Merlinus;
dn English: Merlin.....

Merlin first appears in extant records (Armes Prydein, Y Gododdin) from the early 10th century as a mere prophet, but his role gradually evolved into that of magician, prophet and advisor, active in all phases of the administration of King Arthur's kingdom. He was apparently given the name Emrys (or Ambrosius) at his birth in Caer-Fyrddin (Carmarthen). He only later became known as Merlin, a Latinized version of the Welsh word, Myrddin, taken from the place of his birth. Geoffrey of Monmouth is thought to have invented this form (as he did so much else), since he did not want his character to be associated with the French word, merde, meaning "excrement".

rupa2nya diowg nama sbj2...
pndai wt cita diowg ni...
mnarik sgh...
akuw ska...
yg ni cita slbhnya...

Merlin was the illegitimate son of a monastic Royal Princess of Dyfed. The lady's father, however, King Meurig ap Maredydd ap Rhain, is not found in the traditional pedigrees of this kingdom and was probably a sub-King of the region bordering on Ceredigion. Merlin's father, it is said, was an angel who had visited the Royal nun and left her with child. Merlin's enemies claimed his father was really an incubus, an evil spirit that has intercourse with sleeping women. The evil child was supposed to provide a counterweight to the good influence of Jesus Christ on earth. Merlin, fortunately, was baptized early on in his life, an event which is said to have negated the evil in his nature, but left his powers intact. The original story may have been invented to save his mother from the scandal which would have occurred had her liaison with one Morfyn Frych (the Freckled), a minor Prince of the House of Coel, been made public knowledge. Although, chronologically speaking, this man fits better as the father of the Northern Merlin (See below).
Legend then tells us that after the Roman withdrawal from Britain and the usurpation of the throne from the rightful heirs, Vortigern was in flight from the Saxon breakout and went to Snowdonia, in Wales, in hopes of constructing a mountain fortress at Dinas Emrys where he might be safe. Unfortunately, the building kept collapsing and Vortigern's house wizards told him that a human sacrifice of a fatherless child would solve the problem. One small difficulty was that such children are rather hard to find. Fortunately for Vortigern's fortress, Merlin was known to have no human father and happened to be available.
Before the sacrifice could take place, Merlin used his great visionary powers and attributed the structural problem to a subterranean pool in which lived a red and a white dragon. The meaning of this, according to Merlin, was that the red dragon represented the Britons, and the white dragon, the Saxons. The dragons fought, with the white dragon having the best of it, at first, but then the red dragon drove the white one back. The meaning was clear. Merlin prophesied that Vortigern would be slain and followed on the throne by Ambrosius Aurelianus, then Uther, then a greater leader, Arthur. It would fall to him to push the Saxons back.
True to the prophecy, Vortigern was slain and Ambrosius took the throne. Later, Merlin appears to have inherited his grandfather's little kingdom, but abandoned his lands in favour of the more mysterious life for which he has become so well known. After 460 British nobles were massacred at a peace conference, as a result of Saxon trickery, Ambrosius consulted Merlin about erecting a suitable memorial to them. Merlin, along with Uther, led an expedition to Ireland to procure the stones of the Chorea Gigantum, the Giant's Ring. Merlin, by the use of his extraordinary powers, brought the stones back to a site, just west of Amesbury, and re-erected them around the mass grave of the British nobles. We now call this place Stonehenge.
After his death, Ambrosius was succeeded by his brother, Uther, who, during his pursuit of Gorlois and his irresistable wife, Ygerna (Igraine or Eigr in some texts), back to their lands in Cornwall, was aided by Merlin. As a result of a deception made possible by Merlin's powers, Uther was transformed into the image of Gorlois. He entered their castle, managed to fool Ygraine into thinking he was her husband, had his way with her and in the course of things, conceived a child, Arthur. Poor Gorlois, not knowing what was going on, went out to meet Uther in combat, but instead, was slain by Uther's troops.
After Arthur's birth, Merlin became the young boy's tutor, while he grew up with his foster-father, Sir Ector (alias Cynyr Ceinfarfog (the Fair Bearded)). In the defining moment of Arthur's career, Merlin arranged for the sword-in-the-stone contest by which the lad became king. Later, the magician met the mystic Lady of the Lake at the Fountain of Barenton (in Brittany) and persuaded her to present the King with the magical sword, Excalibur. In the romances, Merlin is the creator of the Round Table, and is closely involved in aiding and directing the events of the king and kingdom of Camelot. He is pictured by Geoffrey of Monmouth, at the end of Arthur's life, accompanying the wounded Arthur to the Isle of Avalon for the healing of his wounds. Others tell how having fallen deeply in love with the Lady of the Lake, he agreed to teach her all his mystical powers. She became so powerful that her magical skills outshone even Merlin's. Determined not to be enslaved by him, she imprisoned the old man in a glass tower, a cave or similarly suitable prison. Thus his absence from the Battle of Camlann was ultimately responsible for Arthur's demise.
According to Geoffrey's "Vita Merlini" (c. 1151), Merlin/Myrddin was a sixth century prophet living in the north of Britain where his career extended beyond Arthur. Merlin travelled north, after Camlann, to the court of King Gwendoleu of Caer-Guenoleu (north of the Salway) where the locals called him Lailoken (or Llallogan). Shortly afterward, a war broke out between Merlin's Royal master and the three allies, King Riderch Hael (the Generous) of Strathclyde and Kings Peredyr & Gwrgi of Ebrauc (York). Gwendoleu was killed in the ensuing Battle of Ardderyd (Arthuret) and Merlin, sent mad with grief at the death of his nephew and four brothers, fled into the Caledonian Forest. He lived there in a mad frenzy for over a year, becoming known as Myrddin Wylt (the Wild), before Riderch, who was his brother-in-law, found him and brought him to safety in the Strathclyde Court.
Some scholars believe there were two Merlins: Myrddin Emrys and Myrddin Wylt. The fact that Merlin apparently lived from the reign of Vortigern (c.420) to the reign of Riderch Hael (c.580) would certainly support this view. The stretch from Vortigern to Arthur is itself unlikely and early versions of the "Vortigern at Dinas Emrys" story give the fatherless boy as Emrys Wledig (Ambrosius Aurelianus) who was living in Campus Elleti in Glywysing. Despite Myrddin Wylt's story indicating he may have had a conceptual origin in one of the wild-man-in-the-woods motifs common to the ancient folklore of the British Isles, this man's historicity is quite well established. His real name, however, may have been Lailoken. Was this man misplaced in time, by Geoffrey of Monmouth, to become King Arthur's mentor, some memory of a similar character from Caer-Fyrddin giving rise to his new name? PC Bartrum thinks not and points out that "fundamentally there is only one Merlin/Myrddin, and some of the later legends cannot be consistently classified as appropriate to one rather than the other."
His prison and/or burial place is said to be beneath Merlin's Mound at Marlborough College in Marlborough (Wiltshire), at Drumelzier in Tweeddale (Scotland), Bryn Myrddin (Merlin's Hill) near Carmarthen (Wales), Le Tombeau de Merlin (Merlin's Tomb) near Paimpont (Brittany) and Ynys Enlli (Bardsey Island) off the Lleyn Peninsula (Wales).

ape pn cita MERLIN mmg best...


Saturday, January 22, 2011


trima ksh buat followers...
wlpn xrmai xpa..
korang leh la invite spa2 jd follower ak..
nnti ak jd follower diowg blik..

SHARING IS CARING...>> ak dgr dr crita pisau cukur...

blog ni lma dh buat tp skrang bru xtif nk post mcm2...
sblm ni sbuk ngn exam...
ni pn ak conduct blog adik ak..
dia xgna dh blog ni..
so, ak pkai..
kl korang da pa2 idea utk di-post-kn gtw yer...
ak kdg2 xda idea nk post pe...
apa pn THANX A LOT yer...


Ni first time akuw wt sndri EGG TART nieh...
ak bengang giler ms dpt hsl EGG TART y petama nieh...
ak wt yg second one and third one ok skit dr yg petama tuh...
1.base die jd mcm roti canai...>>huwaaaaa...
2.base dia termasin yg amat...>>tp xpa try lg..
3.base krg masin skit.>i did it... hehehe.. mmg hepy giler larh..

ak harap nnti bla wt lak lbh bik... nsb smua y ak buat 2 fmly ak mkn..
kl x mati ak nk abiskn...

ni base EGG TART tuh..base die sdp..nk wt pn simple ja bhn2 die.. tpung die mcm roti wholemeal..sdp sgt...

y ni tgh tuang filling die.. filling dibt drpd susu cair+air+vanilla essence+tpung kastard+gula+telur... rs die mcm caramel.. sdp2...

yg ni dh sdia utk dbkr dlm oven slama 10 min...
sy buat 2 adunan... fmly sy rmai...

YEAAA... siap pn.. yg ni EGG TART y sdh siap dptg... mmg sdp... tgk pn tw kn??? nk tw resipi dn cra msk bleh tny... y ni pn resipi dr my aunty..... xcaya??? cuba lah...

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Theory On The movement Of The Planet:


In 19th February 1473,, Copernicus was borned in Torun,Poland. He lives during the Renaissance.Later in his life, he became a nun, but was very interested in astronomy. With the very moderate apparatus during that time, he studied on the movement of the Sun, planets and stars.Definitely, he also did learn about the astronomy of the ancient Greek.

He made a conclusion saying, "If the sun is stagnate and the Earth and other planets circle the Sun,it is easier to predict the movement of the object in the skies ". He did a research again on the theory of  Aristarchus and wrote a book. He knew the seriousness to voice s statement that is against the church during that time. For 30 years he kept this book in s safe place with some changes here and there. In 24th May 1543, he decided to publish it. He passed away just before his reached the eyes of the public. 

Insects and People

Although many people think that insects are a nuisance,some insects are very useful,
They can provide food and even cloth, for people.


People have been eating honey for a very long time.The wall painting in this picture is over 7,000 years old.It's shows a women collecting honey from a honeybees' nest.


Silk comes from the caterpillars, called silkworms, spin thread around themselves.
Clothes can be made from silk cloth.
Silkworm wrapped in thread

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Have you ever wondered why you are what you are? Why are same as other people in so many ways,yet different as well?
People everywhere are like they are for two main reasons.
~ One is that they take after their parents.
~ The other is that they are affected by the sort of life they lead.
What  made you a person,not some other living thing like cat or a daisy,are thousands of tiny things inside called genes.People's genes are different from animal or plant genes.
Although everybody has genes,they are arranged in a different pattern in different people. That's one of the reason why one person is not quite lika another..

He creating a different people in many ways..